Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Job Skills

The job skills i possess that I feel I can use on any job are my communication skills, basic knowledge of computers, multi-tasking, problem solving skills, and teamwork. All of these job skills can benifit any occupation I recieve. In any job you need to be able to communicate, well at that; you deal with customers, your supervisors...etc. Problems always occur in the workplace, so problem solving always comes in handy. Overall you have to be people friendly, which I am. It gets you the job, gets you good with customers, and co workers also.
The skills I need to improve on are being more detail oriented, and being more open. Noticing details helps out alot. You don't miss anything, you're more alert to situations. I also think I need to be more open because in many jobs you deal with people. You need to start conversations, ask questions, and explain products or situations to customers. There are probably a few more skills I could improve on, but these are the ones I feel I should focus on.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Work Week #21


going to whataburger waiting to get on schedule